Almost ten years ago, India’s Tata Motors acquired Jaguar and Land Rover from Ford. During that period, Tata has spent a huge amount of money into updating and developing both brands. Perhaps it's now time for Jaguar Land Rover to expand, maybe by introducing a third luxury brand to the group.
Bloomberg reports that JLR is presently on the look-out for a new brand. It’s reportedly searching for brands that “fit with its current portfolio,” although it may also acquire a technology company to give it an added advantage in building electric automobiles. JLR’s parent company, Tata Motors, reportedly believes that an expansion is required in order to stay competitive. However, no decision appears to have been made.
But if JLR decides to actually expand the number of brands it owns, there seem to be a short list for options on the market. At present, the only brands that are rumored to be available are Maserati and Alfa Romeo.
But considering the fact that Bloomberg reports Tata has at least $6 billion cash in excess, it might be able to purchase an unexpected brand. Anyways, it’ll be interesting to see what decision JLR later makes.
Sources: MotorTrend, BloomBerg